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Carson Wentz discussion: no new topics about Wentz.


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Just now, E-A-G-L-E-S Eagles said:

If he were babied, would he get benched?

If he wasn’t babied he would have been benched by week 3.

They gave this guy until WEEK 12 to stink out the joint and torpedo the team before finally putting him (and all of us fans) out of his misery.

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1 minute ago, D-Shiznit said:

66% win rate, makes for an 11 win season.

Now what's his record with Wentz and without Reich again???

Hey man it's cool, trade Wentz and roll with Hurts.

I will however be looking forward to posts from you fairweather clowns ripping Hurts to shreds. Meanwhile Carson will be back to normal and supported by a proper Org. It'll be fun.


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The "stupid" is building in here.  Off to watch NO/Carolina.

2 minutes ago, Arsenal79 said:

If he wasn’t babied he would have been benched by week 3.

They gave this guy until WEEK 12 to stink out the joint and torpedo the team before finally putting him (and all of us fans) out of his misery.

Got it, Carstan.

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1 minute ago, ShutDownDB said:

Hey man it's cool, trade Wentz and roll with Hurts.

I will however be looking forward to posts from you fairweather clowns ripping Hurts to shreds. Meanwhile Carson will be back to normal and supported by a proper Org. It'll be fun.


What's his normal again? being perpetually Injured? leadership being called out, or playing like absolute crap like he did this year?

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5 minutes ago, brkmsn said:

What does that have to do with his attitude? Is he not doing what he's being asked to do? Is he doing pushups in his driveway?

I’m more of talking about your last point that it’s all speculation of him wanting out of Philly until he says it.

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12 minutes ago, brkmsn said:

What do we know about his attitude? Saying "it sucks" is just a "spin." We all know it's killing him to not play, but it's not like he's not showing up. He's practicing with the backups and helping Hurts and doing what he can for the team. Does he want out? Probably at this point, but that's just speculation until I hear something official from him. 

Fair enough.  I guess we wait until the season is officially over. He should be making a statement tomorrow morning imo

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Just now, SNOORDA said:

Fair enough.  I guess we wait until the season is officially over. He should be making a statement tomorrow morning imo

He won't be making any statements about wanting a trade. That isn't his style or at least i don't believe it to be. 

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Wait I don't get why the Packers are playing for the 1 seed. They beat the Saints head to head. That means they win the tiebreaker.

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1 minute ago, D-Shiznit said:

What's his normal again? being perpetually Injured? leadership being called out, or playing like absolute crap like he did this year?

Injury prone? Old news

Leadership questions? Rumors

What's next? You're almost out of clickbait topics to bring up

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4 minutes ago, Sack that QB said:

Wait I don't get why the Packers are playing for the 1 seed. They beat the Saints head to head. That means they win the tiebreaker.

They didn't play Seattle, who could force a 3 way tie, in which case, the Pack's win over the Saints wouldn't apply.


I think we're both in the wrong thread.

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4 minutes ago, ShutDownDB said:

Injury prone? Old news

Leadership questions? Rumors

What's next? You're almost out of clickbait topics to bring up

Facts - injury history dating back to college.

Where there's smoke there's fire.

And he's almost out of here, feel free to join the rest of his cultist to whichever team he gets shipped too.


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6 minutes ago, UK_EaglesFan89 said:

He won't be making any statements about wanting a trade. That isn't his style or at least i don't believe it to be. 

Exactly.  He’s directing his minions to do it from behind the scenes. 

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Just now, D-Shiznit said:

And he's almost out of here, feel free to join the rest of cultist to whichever team he gets shipped too.

I agree with your points and I know we are on the same page with thinking Wentz should be moved on but... I don't think he's almost out of here at all. I'm not saying he definitely will be here but I think it's in the balance right now. 

Just now, Arsenal79 said:

Exactly.  He’s directing his minions to do it from behind the scenes. 

You think, others think, who really knows. The only ones who know the truth are Wentz camp and they aren't going to say its true so we don't know the truth and won't find out. 

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38 minutes ago, T-1000 said:

No he's not, he's a clown like the rest of the Wentz apologists. The fact is, this idea that there are Wentz haters is almost completely false. Are there some people who are irrational and hate guy, sure. Are people who point out the facts about him and don't make every excuse possible for him ''haters,'' nope. Pointing out that he has been the worst starting QB in the league this year is a fact. Pointing out he is 35-33-1 as a starter is fact. Pointing out he has zero playoff wins is a fact. Pointing out that Doug wqon a SB with Foles and has a much better record without Carson at QB is a fact. Pointing out there have been several reports to come out that the guy is a stubborn know it all who doesnt listen to the coaches and isnt well liked in the locker room is a fact. This narrative that pointing out facts and admitting the truth about this guy makes someone a hater is ridiculous and exposes people like you and Tyrone ''I constantly talk down to fans'' Johnson as frauds.

You know, I NEVER understood that particular language. If you disagree with someone or your opinion is different than the general consensus, then they give you that label "hater." It makes absolutely no sense to me. Regardless of the facts that you point out, people throw that term around as if your opinion doesn't matter at all because you are just "hating." It is the most overused term in history and never expected it to show up on this board. 

Totally agree with every point you made here....it is ridiculous to label someone a "hater" just because they are able to apply common sense and point out facts. 

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2 minutes ago, UK_EaglesFan89 said:

I agree with your points and I know we are on the same page with thinking Wentz should be moved on but... I don't think he's almost out of here at all. I'm not saying he definitely will be here but I think it's in the balance right now. 

I was with you up until today that he would be back, specially considering Doug's PC, but it 's becoming evident from multiple sources that he is the one that wants out. So I think he will get shipped.

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Just now, D-Shiznit said:

I was with you up until today that he would be back, specially considering Doug's PC, but it 's becoming eventide from multiple sources that he is the one that wants out. So I think he will get shipped.

I don't think it's evident that he wants out at this point. It's media speculation at this point and nothing more. 

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10 minutes ago, UK_EaglesFan89 said:

He won't be making any statements about wanting a trade. That isn't his style or at least i don't believe it to be. 

Maybe so.  

in the end i think this falls on howie more than anything anyways.  He is the gm and he has no control of the message here.  Him and doug and lurie and wentz should be on the same page as to what the outside appearance is.  And they arent.  It’s dysfunctional and being played out nationally.  

when the message is that wentz wants out, it hurts his potential trade value (which is already down)


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I can’t see just because he requested a trade he should get it.  They are paying him so he should have to do what the teams wants. He is going to get paid irregardless.  He should not dictate the Eagles should be.  Feelings may be hurt but go out and win the and starting job.  If he is this big competitor he makes himself out to be then he should want to prove himself here.  Just gets me mad when I think about it.  

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20 minutes ago, UK_EaglesFan89 said:

Precisely. The year after that SB victory Carson was up and down (more up than down but still inconsistent and this team stumbled until Wentz went down). 2019 Wentz struggled until getting it together in the final 4 games (against bad teams). And then... Well we don't need to go in to this year. 

Spot on comment.

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You can hedge all you want, but as of today it’s perfectly clear...



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Just now, SNOORDA said:

Him and doug and lurie and wentz should be on the same page as to what is happening here.  And they arent.  It’s dysfunctional and being played out nationally.  

This is very true! I mean given they've not considered firing Howie and Doug is expected to be back next year this certainly doesn't look good. 

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1 minute ago, GeorgeM37 said:

You know, I NEVER understood that particular language. If you disagree with someone or your opinion is different than the general consensus, then they give you that label "hater." It makes absolutely no sense to me. Regardless of the facts that you point out, people throw that term around as if your opinion doesn't matter at all because you are just "hating." It is the most overused term in history and never expected it to show up on this board. 

Totally agree with every point you made here....it is ridiculous to label someone a "hater" just because they are able to apply common sense and point out facts. 

Agreed dude. Some people are just so quick to give that label. I like to come here to discuss Eagles football, and if there’s differing opinion it’s fun to engage in a conversation about it. But a lot of guys on here just get snarky & dickish for no real reason if you disagree with them. Age of social media, got people acting a certain way. 

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5 minutes ago, GeorgeM37 said:

If you disagree with someone or your opinion is different than the general consensus, then they give you that label "hater."

What i find odd about it is that surely the one thing we all want, as fans, is the team to succeed? Now we all have different views on how that may happen but that's what we want isn't it? So why do we have to back this player or that player? If we don't think a player is very good and can hold this team back then should we not want them benched or moved on? I don't mean even with just Wentz I mean with any player. 

We are Eagles fans, not Wentz fans, not Foles fans, not Cox fans or BG fans. We want the Eagles above all else to win. 

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4 minutes ago, GeorgeM37 said:

You know, I NEVER understood that particular language. If you disagree with someone or your opinion is different than the general consensus, then they give you that label "hater." It makes absolutely no sense to me. Regardless of the facts that you point out, people throw that term around as if your opinion doesn't matter at all because you are just "hating." It is the most overused term in history and never expected it to show up on this board. 

Totally agree with every point you made here....it is ridiculous to label someone a "hater" just because they are able to apply common sense and point out facts. 

Thank you George. This whole ''Wentz hater'' thing is driving me Fing nuts. It's ridiculous and an issue of those saying it when pointing out facts about someone that don't help support their narrative is brushed off with the ''hater'' tag. It's actually one the most flawed and lazy arguments someone can make. Oh, you pointed about facts about someone that points out their flaws and I like him, well you're just a ''hater.''

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2 minutes ago, D-Shiznit said:

Facts - injury history dating back to college.

Where there's smoke there's fire.

And he's almost out of here, feel free to join the rest of his cultist to whichever team he gets shipped too.


Aside from a dirty hit from a dirty player, he hasn't been injured since 2018. "Where there's smoke there's fire" come on man, bring something real to the table or leave it. 

It's true I would rather have Carson on this team next year because I believe he can and will bounce back from his dumpster fire season. Let's talk about compensation...that contract and how he played this year? Jesus they could MAYBE get a 2nd from a desperate team, but most likely a 3rd or worse and a later pick. If they keep him and he plays better but the Org is still iffy about him, his trade value will be higher after next year and I think the cap hit will be lower. Personally, I think that makes the most sense but I'm just some random posting on the EMB.

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