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Star Wars ongoing thread: The Acolyte now airing


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I don’t care what you all think, this episode was the boobs. 

Gina Carano beating the ish out of people? Check.

Speed run though a canyon? Check.

Action? Check.

The child being soooo cute and throwing up cookies after spinarama? Check.

Los Pollos Hermanos being an intense antagonist? Check.


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2 hours ago, DEagle7 said:
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Why is Moff dressed like Vader? Is that some kind of imperial uniform or is he cosplaying?


I don't know the character from the books or whatever but to me it's just "insert Star Wars things" for familiarity. 

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As much as I hate to agree with Dill, he’s right about this one.  This episode was a whole lot of fun.

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So for the last two or three weeks the wife and I watched episode 1-9 of the movies. First time trying to watch 7-9 and first time I can remember watching 1-3 in full. Always watched parts of 2-3, watched 1 in theaters. 4-6 I watched a good amount growing up. They're all a lot better than I remember. The wife got super into them and basically cried throughout 7-9. 

Im debating starting the mandalorian tonight after the game. Or should I try the Solo movie first? 

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1 hour ago, 20dawk4life said:

So for the last two or three weeks the wife and I watched episode 1-9 of the movies. First time trying to watch 7-9 and first time I can remember watching 1-3 in full. Always watched parts of 2-3, watched 1 in theaters. 4-6 I watched a good amount growing up. They're all a lot better than I remember. The wife got super into them and basically cried throughout 7-9. 

Im debating starting the mandalorian tonight after the game. Or should I try the Solo movie first? 

Makes no difference. Both are very good.

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The more I think about the last Mando ep, the more I liked it. Certainly is among my favorites since the show started. Really had it all. I am hoping the show continues to progress into more of a live action Clone Wars. Still can't understand why they started off this season with two throw away filler episodes. Well produced but not compelling and worthless in the context of the larger plot.

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4 hours ago, 20dawk4life said:

So for the last two or three weeks the wife and I watched episode 1-9 of the movies. First time trying to watch 7-9 and first time I can remember watching 1-3 in full. Always watched parts of 2-3, watched 1 in theaters. 4-6 I watched a good amount growing up. They're all a lot better than I remember. The wife got super into them and basically cried throughout 7-9. 

Im debating starting the mandalorian tonight after the game. Or should I try the Solo movie first? 

Don't forget about Rogue One.  I liked Solo a lot for the cheesy nostalgia and back story, and the Mandalorian is great, but Rogue One is one of my favorite Star Wars movies period.  

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2 minutes ago, DEagle7 said:

Don't forget about Rogue One.  I liked Solo a lot for the cheesy nostalgia and back story, and the Mandalorian is great, but Rogue One is one of my favorite Star Wars movies period.  

I did forget about that. I'll check out the trailer and see if the wife wants to watch it. She's meh on solo as am I from the trailer. 

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7 minutes ago, 20dawk4life said:

I did forget about that. I'll check out the trailer and see if the wife wants to watch it. She's meh on solo as am I from the trailer. 

Solo is cheesy AF and totally a nostalgic circle jerk. Totally understand why some people weren't into it, but I really enjoyed it. Just gotta accept it for what it is and not take it too seriously.

Rogue One is a just a really good Star Wars movie on its own.  It integrates and adds depth to the other movies without being reliant on them for sentimentality and name drops.  Don't want to oversell it, but there's one scene in it that may well be my favorite Star Wars moment period.  Highly recommend.

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Gina Carano May Actually Be Fired From The Mandalorian, Here’s the Plan


Welp. Looks like the woke Twitter mob may be responsible for another casualty. What I find most amusing is that I think only a small fraction of the people driving this ever actually watched the Mandalorian. What did Carano do wrong? Well, it started with her refusing to add gender fluid pronouns next to her Twitter profile name. :o Then, she shared some anti-mask 'ish thoughts :o :o and then finally she openly ripped the Democrats over the shutdowns. :o :o :o 


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1 hour ago, opengeo said:

Gina Carano May Actually Be Fired From The Mandalorian, Here’s the Plan


Welp. Looks like the woke Twitter mob may be responsible for another casualty. What I find most amusing is that I think only a small fraction of the people driving this ever actually watched the Mandalorian. What did Carano do wrong? Well, it started with her refusing to add gender fluid pronouns next to her Twitter profile name. :o Then, she shared some anti-mask 'ish thoughts :o :o and then finally she openly ripped the Democrats over the shutdowns. :o :o :o 

To be fair, not removing your mask is a pretty central premise of the show.

I'll see myself out...

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1 hour ago, Alpha_TATEr said:

so i am alone in thinking we saw a possible glimpse into how snoke is created ? 

Are you saying he's a mutated yoda?

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3 hours ago, BFit said:

Are you saying he's a mutated yoda?


well that's what we saw in those tanks wasnt it ? failed attempts. they are giving force sensitive beings transfusions of lil yodas blood to create these things.

palpatine said he created snoke. 


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2 hours ago, Alpha_TATEr said:
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well that's what we saw in those tanks wasnt it ? failed attempts. they are giving force sensitive beings transfusions of lil yodas blood to create these things.

palpatine said he created snoke. 



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1 hour ago, Dwide Schrude said:

So this is supposed to be the episode we finally get to see Ashoka 

Yep. Here's some fan art, but looks pretty good.


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On 11/22/2020 at 8:43 PM, opengeo said:

Gina Carano May Actually Be Fired From The Mandalorian, Here’s the Plan


Welp. Looks like the woke Twitter mob may be responsible for another casualty. What I find most amusing is that I think only a small fraction of the people driving this ever actually watched the Mandalorian. What did Carano do wrong? Well, it started with her refusing to add gender fluid pronouns next to her Twitter profile name. :o Then, she shared some anti-mask 'ish thoughts :o :o and then finally she openly ripped the Democrats over the shutdowns. :o :o :o 


F, you!  You deep leftist thought police liberals.  OMG, she doesn't openly embrace you're line of reasoning, you Cali-NY eastern state demo-twats.  Again, give me the Infinity Gauntlet and I'll snap these over sensitive PC police out of existence.

For the record, I'm neither red nor blue, but pretty much think anyone who is on the extreme of either side should be Thanos'd out of existence.  You are BOTH part of the problem and to openly attack anyone who disagrees with your agenda is like disparaging those who fought against the NSDAPs.  Suck a D, eat it twice and then die.

*I've been imbibing Irish Rye Whiskey most of the night so might be a tad bit emotional over what I post about, but my base argument still stands.


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On 11/23/2020 at 7:57 AM, Alpha_TATEr said:

so i am alone in thinking we saw a possible glimpse into how snoke is created ? 

Potentially.  If nothing else it adds that the science was around and being experimented with so Palpatine could have used that plus his dark powers to take it to the next level.  

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17 minutes ago, NOTW said:

Potentially.  If nothing else it adds that the science was around and being experimented with so Palpatine could have used that plus his dark powers to take it to the next level.  

pretty much yeah. another plot hole in this saga would be filled if thats how they go with this. 

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Another random thought, rewatching the OG.  In Empire, when Obi-Wan says that boy was our last hope, then Yoda says there is another...he just got done telling Luke he shouldn't go after his friends and that he should risk them dying.  Yoda knows who the another is, and risks her.  Does he trust that she'll make it even if Luke doesn't go?  Or does he not care another potential Jedi "there is another" might die, but as long as Luke finishes his training all good?  

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I still say that the ‘’another’’ was Aniken. He was the one who was prophesied to return balance to the force, which, spoiler alert, he did.

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