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Star Wars ongoing thread: The Acolyte now airing


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Yeah. Her use of the force was calling out to Luke, whereas Anikan actually, you know, killed the Emperor, but, it makes total sense that he was talking about her. :wacko:

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Whaaaaat an episode. Intense, great, fun. My favorite episode of the show by far. There’s definitely a lot to unpack from it. Did a great job building up the live action Star Wars universe, and some good Easter eggs as well. 

*This could be considered a spoiler. Haven’t figured out how to spoiler tag on mobile yet, but consider this a warning*

After this episode, I’m kind of getting a hunch that Disney might be looking to create an Ahsoka Tano live action series. Nothing more than a thought. But I think this episode was testing the waters for the character, which I think you’d consider successful. Dawson as Tano stole the show and seems to already have a solid plot being established. If this becomes true, I’m extremely excited for the future of live action Star Wars TV series. There’s soooo much they can do

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There is no way they cast Dawson in that role if they were not planning to go that route. And after this episode I’m all for it!

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On 11/27/2020 at 11:38 AM, 20Safety_Hazards said:

There is no way they cast Dawson in that role if they were not planning to go that route. And after this episode I’m all for it!

That was another thing! I didn’t know that she was cast as Tano, but I immediately recognized her and that’s what gave me another clue. An Ahsoka & Obi wan series..whew! It’d be cool if the timelines allow it that we see Ashoka & Obi Wan reunited at some point, do a team up like something similar to the Arrowverse with CW

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Forget my last take about Obi Wan & Ahsoka team up. Got so excited at the thought of them teaming up again that I forgot where were at in the timeline

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OK, it was cool seeing a live action Ahsoka.  Like I mentioned before, this version of Ahsoka would be older than the one in the CGI Clone Wars show, so Dawson is a good choice to play her.  The silver lightsabres, which I don't recall seeing a silver one in any of the Star Wars films (though they do exist in the books), looked pretty bad ass.  And we get a Thrawn mention as well.  The set up for the next episode sounds intriguing. 


Wonder if they'll pull a surprise for who the next Jedi appearance will be, though there's really only one other well known Jedi at this point in the timeline who survived Order 66 that I can think of. 

Oh, and.....Grogu!


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Great episode! They're really giving us the things fans want...where the sequel trilogy often failed.

Dave Filoni wrote and directed this episode. 

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Possibly the best episode of the series so far. Dawson was perfect. Grogu! Meh, don’t like it... but I’ll get used to it. 

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I loved every second of Ashoka. I got taken back to that "Star Wars magic" and left me wanting more of her.

What was she doing during the events of 3-7? (I haven't watched Rebels).

Why didn't Yoda or Obi-Wan know she was still around, sensing her with the Force? 

Why doesn't anyone know to point Mando to find Luke? Wouldn't there be murmurings after the Empire fell about Luke? 

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8 hours ago, NOTW said:

I loved every second of Ashoka. I got taken back to that "Star Wars magic" and left me wanting more of her.

What was she doing during the events of 3-7? (I haven't watched Rebels).

Why didn't Yoda or Obi-Wan know she was still around, sensing her with the Force? 

Why doesn't anyone know to point Mando to find Luke? Wouldn't there be murmurings after the Empire fell about Luke? 

There is a reason Ashoka doesn’t know or probably more accurately doesn’t want to know about Luke and why yoda and Obi wan don’t mention her: Her back story is really good and I don’t want to spoil it in case they want to cover it in a spin-off show.  But the clone wars covers a lot of it.  Also obi wan and yoda canonically are not the only Jedi to survive order 66. Most of them die but a few others survive as well. But the fact that she’s hunting Grand Admiral Thrawn means we may be building towards resolving some of your questions.


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16 hours ago, NOTW said:

I loved every second of Ashoka. I got taken back to that "Star Wars magic" and left me wanting more of her.

What was she doing during the events of 3-7? (I haven't watched Rebels).

Why didn't Yoda or Obi-Wan know she was still around, sensing her with the Force? 

Why doesn't anyone know to point Mando to find Luke? Wouldn't there be murmurings after the Empire fell about Luke? 

Well. She technically hadn’t been created yet during the original trilogy, so that’s the reason.

As far as the story now goes - She may have shut herself off to the force after the end of Rebels, like Luke, don’t know. If she did that they wouldn’t have been able to sense her. Also, maybe they didn’t want to blow her cover. 

This will never happen but could you imagine if  Luke is the Jedi that reaches out? Talk about breaking the internet. Maybe he tells Mando to keep him in hiding, or where the Yodas live, who knows. 

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7 hours ago, 20Safety_Hazards said:

There is a reason Ashoka doesn’t know or probably more accurately doesn’t want to know about Luke and why yoda and Obi wan don’t mention her: Her back story is really good and I don’t want to spoil it in case they want to cover it in a spin-off show.  But the clone wars covers a lot of it.  Also obi wan and yoda canonically are not the only Jedi to survive order 66. Most of them die but a few others survive as well. But the fact that she’s hunting Grand Admiral Thrawn means we may be building towards resolving some of your questions.


I know the Jedi Fallen order game is cannon now, so the Jedi it’s centered around *could* make its way into the live action verse, or might just stay in the video game. But he had survived order 66 and was alive during the height of empires rule, have no idea if he’ll still be alive after the fall of the empire. But it sounds like they intend to make the Jedi Fallen order into a bigger franchise, and will have a sequel.

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I just watched it again and it's still F'ing brilliant.

Agree that they might be laying the tracks for some kind of Ahsoka Tano show or film.  Think I'd prefer a series.  Maybe her chasing after Thrawn?


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