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Star Wars ongoing thread: The Acolyte now airing


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I have to re-watch the episode, lots of love for the episode and Dawson.  Personally I think if Ashoka is going to be a main stay, Dawson needs to do some serious training for future light saber scenes.  They were chaotic and sloppy.  Not the smooth and dance like movements we're used to seeing.  It was like watching Luke haphazardly bashing about in a fit of rage after the 'I'm your father' line.

Outside of that, the episode was fantastic with all the Easter eggs and nods to the past.

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great episode. another big nod to the animated series. if you watched rebels you know the significance of knowing ahsoka is still trying to find thrawn. 

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I'm late on this but just watched the final season of The Clone Wars this week.  Really good.  It was interesting how they tied the final episodes into the events during ep 3 Revenge of the Sith.  It adds some backstory to set up The Mandalorian with Ashoka.  I haven't seen Rebels yet I'm going to go through that next.  

There's so much in TCW that should have been the makeup for the prequel trilogy instead of some of the things they did.  

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33 minutes ago, DEagle7 said:

@20dawk4life did you end up watching Solo or Rogue One?  Curious what you thought.

Haven’t watched either yet. Got caught up in survivor on Netflix and all the tv shows coming back on. 

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Looking forward to the episode tonight & see how they possibly follow up last weeks. Seems impossible to top it. I think this is the 2nd to last episode? I can’t remember if there’s 7 or 8 in this season

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There's 8, so 2 more after tomorrow's episode. It's the shortest episode so far. 32 minutes I think.

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2 minutes ago, schuy7 said:

There's 8, so 2 more after tomorrows episode. It's the shortest episode so far. 32 minutes I think.

Ah so probably in line for a filler episode it seems. 

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40 minutes ago, 20dawk4life said:

Haven’t watched either yet. Got caught up in survivor on Netflix and all the tv shows coming back on. 

Fair enough. Let me know what you think when you get some to it. 

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3 hours ago, 20dawk4life said:

Haven’t watched either yet. Got caught up in survivor on Netflix and all the tv shows coming back on. 


2 hours ago, DEagle7 said:

Fair enough. Let me know what you think when you get some to it. 

Rogue one is a top tier Star Wars movie. I might rewatch it tonight. Solo was good too, but I think I liked it more because of its post credit scene.

I hope, and it seems this way, that Star Wars keeps making movies/shows that aren’t skywalker related. 

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Sequels would have been a lot better if the original cast had much more of a backseat than the newcomers. I’m just sayin.

The skywalker story is over, let them rest. I’ll be fine with cameos. But not being the central focus.

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This show is so awesome. 

little bit of my opinion-

I thought it’d be difficult for this episode to compare to the Tano episode, but this one was pretty close. Moved the plot nicely with some foreshadowing, had some good Easter eggs, and There was a certain scene that was a nice little treat for Star Wars fans who loved the originals. I’d say this episode is the 2nd best episode of the season so far, just a tad behind the Tano episode. I could honestly understand if for some it’d be the best episode of the season so far. I won’t get into great detail cause spoilers but I get a feeling this was a testing ground for another potential live action series. I’m sure you guys will figure out who I’m talking about. 

for a slow start, this show has came back in a major way. 

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12 hours ago, Dwide Schrude said:


Rogue one is a top tier Star Wars movie. I might rewatch it tonight. Solo was good too, but I think I liked it more because of its post credit scene.

I hope, and it seems this way, that Star Wars keeps making movies/shows that aren’t skywalker related. 

The Mandalorian is the best overall concept of how to explore the Star Wars universe apart from the main characters of the original trilogy.  The Clone Wars also did a nice job with exploring more worlds and characters.  


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6 hours ago, NOTW said:

The Mandalorian is the best overall concept of how to explore the Star Wars universe apart from the main characters of the original trilogy.  The Clone Wars also did a nice job with exploring more worlds and characters.  


In terms of live action, yes Mandalorian is the best. Rogue One is right behind it. But I think Clone Wars was best overall. Clone wars show is one of my top 5 shows ever, and made me a Star Wars fan. I never really cared about Star Wars until I watched that show about a year ago. 

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For a short episode minutes wise, it really packed loads of action.  And it looks like we'll get to enjoy a couple characters joining the journey for at least a little while.  I agree, this is probably the 2nd best episode, not just of this season, but overall so far.  I will probably watch this one again before the next new episode then maybe binge watch both seasons after this season ends. 


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Another good episode. 

I wish the episodes were longer, and more of them. 

Still not calling him anything but Baby Yoda. ^_^

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I don’t expect Ashoka to show back up in the finale(s), but I do expect some Jedi to show up and help them pull off what they need to do at the last second.

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I actually like the variable length episodes. If they need longer to tell the story they go longer, if they don’t they keep it tight. While I wanted more in this weeks episode it wasn’t because I felt it needed more, it was just so good I wanted more. But I felt pacing and story wise the episode was the right length and it being shorter kept the pace high which made it more exciting. 

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Is Rosario every nerds wet dream? She was in the Marvel tv series, now in Star Wars, voiced a bunch on the DC side of the fence, has done video games for those nerds, Men in Black for the SciFi nerds, and told us in Clerks to that asstomouth is okay. Did I leave anything out? 

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