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Star Wars ongoing thread: The Acolyte now airing


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Disney is a business and the child is their cash cow. Also season 3 of the mando has been confirmed, so Boba is it’s own thing.

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2 hours ago, Bill said:


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Disney is a business and the child is their cash cow. Also season 3 of the mando has been confirmed, so Boba is it’s own thing.


This isn't yet set in carbonite.

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I do think boba will be it’s own thing. It’s pretty clear in the title on the teaser that it’s a new book, not a new chapter.  



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So the black saber is a Mandalorian thing? I don't remember that in the SW movies

I didn't notice it until episode 8 but there's been a lot of female characters in this show lol

I didn't care for the woman from the Riddick movie's story at all 🤷‍♂️

What happened to the male bounty hunter that was with the 2 females? He was missing in episode 8.

Also 4 minutes of credits after each episode? LOL

I'm so confused by the Luke appearance. I thought this show was set after the SW movies. That was an awesome scene though. Always wanted to see that from Luke

So will the Mandalorian go back to bounties now? It'll be funny to see if there's a drop off in views after baby yoda is now gone from the show


Lol I started it last night and just finished it. Had no idea it was only 8 episodes

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I quit on Rebels animated show after season 2, after seeing Tano on Mandalorian I decide to finish the show. Almost done with season 3, really good show with an excellent blend of old nostalgia characters & fun new ones. Similar to Clone Wars series. I definitely recommend watching! Those with kids it’s a good one to watch with them & create the next generation of Star Wars nerds.

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8 hours ago, Dwide Schrude said:

I quit on Rebels animated show after season 2, after seeing Tano on Mandalorian I decide to finish the show. Almost done with season 3, really good show with an excellent blend of old nostalgia characters & fun new ones. Similar to Clone Wars series. I definitely recommend watching! Those with kids it’s a good one to watch with them & create the next generation of Star Wars nerds.

I just finished season 2.

It's not as good as TCW but I'm hanging with it.  I don't like the main characters much but seeing Ashoka, Maul and Vader is cool.  It's weird watching and reconciling that there were several Jedi or former Jedi, people with force powers and the new characters Inquisitors running around using the force and wielding light sabers and then in A New Hope none of them are around.  Then just 5 years after ROTJ in The Mandalorian, no one in the entire series has heard of the Jedi or even Luke Skywalker.  The inconsistency takes me out of the story a little.

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2 hours ago, NOTW said:

I just finished season 2.

It's not as good as TCW but I'm hanging with it.  I don't like the main characters much but seeing Ashoka, Maul and Vader is cool.  It's weird watching and reconciling that there were several Jedi or former Jedi, people with force powers and the new characters Inquisitors running around using the force and wielding light sabers and then in A New Hope none of them are around.  Then just 5 years after ROTJ in The Mandalorian, no one in the entire series has heard of the Jedi or even Luke Skywalker.  The inconsistency takes me out of the story a little.

this was one of my gripes. how the hell didnt anyone know about the events of the last 30 plus years in the galaxy ? 

rebels is def not as good as TCW, but it is good. the ending will get you closer to mandalorian and what "might" be coming up next. 

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4 hours ago, NOTW said:

I just finished season 2.

It's not as good as TCW but I'm hanging with it.  I don't like the main characters much but seeing Ashoka, Maul and Vader is cool.  It's weird watching and reconciling that there were several Jedi or former Jedi, people with force powers and the new characters Inquisitors running around using the force and wielding light sabers and then in A New Hope none of them are around.  Then just 5 years after ROTJ in The Mandalorian, no one in the entire series has heard of the Jedi or even Luke Skywalker.  The inconsistency takes me out of the story a little.

Season 2 is where I was kind of weaving in and out in interest for the show. It’s not as good as Clone Wars, I just meant there are similarities in the show. Season 3 of rebels will help clear up a little bit of that for you. 
I agree with you though, Cara Dune not knowing Luke was the one that really puzzles me. How do you not realize/recognize the greatest hero for the side you fought for. Mandalorian not knowing him doesn’t phase me too much. Moff’s reaction to a Jedi, who I’m sure he knew was Luke, was perfect. You could tell he was terrified & knew who it was, and nothing needed to be said. 

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11 hours ago, Toty said:

If they're bringing in the "Thrawn" material, does it mesh with current canon?

I read those books back in the 90's when they first came out and I remember these snake creatures that were supposed to block out the force or something.

I thought they were more weasel like.  And I think they were called Ysalamiri or something like that?  But, yes, they create anti-Force bubbles so a Jedi or Force sensitive being can't use the Force.  I also read nearly every book that took place after ROTJ.  Some were pretty good, some were very good (especially the whole series of about a dozen books where the SW galaxy takes on invaders from another galaxy called the Yuhzon Vong), some were just meh and some weren't good. 

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Moved my response to this thread.

Yeah I'd say I'm a casual star wars fan who has seen every movie. But I only saw the prequels once when they came out and I was 10-15 years old so I didn't remember them well. After madolorian ended though I just wanted to rewatch everything.

Watched IV, V, VI first and then I, II, and just finished III last night. I is flat out horrible, but this time around I did enjoy II and III much more than I thought I would. II, if you ignore the Anakin and Padme scenes, wasn't half bad in my opinion.

Going to finish out the rest of the movies then start watching the clone wars tv show.



The prequels definitely have their upside and moments. But they were borderline traumatic for some of us 😃.

Since you're a bit younger I'll give you some history. Star Wars was the first movie I ever saw. I don't know if anyone here remembers the old drive-in theater in Pennsauken but that's where I saw it. I was about four and the movie pretty much permanently burned itself into my brain.

Then in the early 80's we got a copy on betamax (shut up) from a neighbor that recorded it off HBO. I must have watched it like a hundred times. Back in the day, fans who grew up seeing the originals were always intrigued by the sequence starting at episode IV. What was the history? What was the Old Republic like? What were the Clone Wars all about? Who were the Sith? There were pre-internet schoolyard rumors always swirling around about crystals that powered lightsabers and Vader falling into a volcano.

So there were a couple decades of anticipation and expectations going into those prequels. When Phantom finally came, it just felt like a bunch of air being let out of a balloon. The poor writing and mediocre acting were forgivable, but the story was convoluted and there were multiple sloppy and unnecessarily inconsistencies that just wrecked the continuity. Plus there's Jar Jar. Basically, Star Wars fans who had become adults got a sobering and unwelcome splash of cold water.


Understandable. Episode I was horrendous and a let down no matter how you slice it. However I will say that anticipation and build up over all those years as you described, would have been nearly impossible to live up to.

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1 hour ago, BirdsFanBill said:

Moved my response to this thread.

Yeah I'd say I'm a casual star wars fan who has seen every movie. But I only saw the prequels once when they came out and I was 10-15 years old so I didn't remember them well. After madolorian ended though I just wanted to rewatch everything.

Watched IV, V, VI first and then I, II, and just finished III last night. I is flat out horrible, but this time around I did enjoy II and III much more than I thought I would. II, if you ignore the Anakin and Padme scenes, wasn't half bad in my opinion.

Going to finish out the rest of the movies then start watching the clone wars tv show.



Understandable. Episode I was horrendous and a let down no matter how you slice it. However I will say that anticipation and build up over all those years as you described, would have been nearly impossible to live up to.

Yea but!

Episode 1 was a different type of movie than any of the OT and in the worst possible way. The story of the entire prequel is way too convoluted. Had episodes 1, 2, and 3 essentially been the clone wars animated show... holy cow that would have been so much better. Tell it from Ahsoka’s point of view, watching her teacher become Vader... man that could have been good. 

The melodrama of Anakin and Padme, the script, convoluted plot, cgi, awful awful awful.

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The prequels were a HUGE missed opportunity.  The main problems were Lucas going computer happy instead of more real sets and practical effects, which took you out of caring about any characters.  The hokey dialogue was taken up a notch.  Anakin was whiny until all of a sudden in ep 3 they tried to make him more mature, and Christensen was a bad choice.  The political piece was both boring and overly complicated at first.  A trade dispute?  Snooze.  And one of the best things was Maul and they killed him off.  

Weaponx is right: should have been more like the Clone Wars.  It needed 2 main areas of focuse

1. The Clone Wars

Show more of the different battles and political pieces to the war throughout and different planets and people.   Don't make the ships and stormtrooper costumes so different.  Make things look closer to the original trilogy.  Get more "faces" of the war.  The Mandalorians and other races, the devastation of the Empire to entire planets and races of people.  TCW, Rebels, Rogue One and Mandalorian do a better job of giving people in the trenches you care about.  Even the new trilogy had people instead of CGi armies.  You need to really feel the dread and how oppressive the Empire is. They should have started episode 1 with a battle triggering the war, and establishing the General to give a non-Sith face to the war and another villain.  General Grievous being thrown in only in ep 3 as the key to stopping the war all of a sudden was odd. 

2. The Jedi and Anakin

Start Obi-Wan as a Jedi Knight, not a Padawan.  After the opening battle, they land on Tattoine for ship repairs like they did.  Except Obi-Wan finds Anakin as a teenager who is already kind of a bad ass and using the Force.  He's already struggling with a pull from light and dark sides.  The Jedi are being beaten up by the Sith and the War, and in their desperation they embrace the prophesied one.  They fear him because of what he could become and they debate but they ultimately train him because they fear him going to the dark side.  You use Maul to go after him as well and Obi-Wan knows Darth Sidious wants Anakin to become a Sith.  The balance of the Force is at stake, and the pressure is on to train him and try to control him...but his power grows quickly and they constantly worry what he will do.  He should not be a cartoonish "aw shucks" hero and always being hokey and respectful to Obi-Wan.  He should have an edge to him, saves the day for the Jedi but borders on the dark side often.  This fear of him and attempts to discipline and teach him help drive Anakin away, thinking they are wanting to hold him back and him being drawn to the dark side which promises to let him unleash his power and not be held back.  

Making him a teenager also makes more sense that he would fall in love with Padme.  He doesn't want the rules of the Jedi keeping him from having her.  That was a good motivation.  It didn't make sense that lil Annie was like 6 years old in ep 1 and Padme was older, and then 10 years later he's a teen saying he has been thinking about her.  

Ep 2 should have ended with a bit of a cliff hanger where Anakin turns to the dark side and Palapatine issues order 66.  Then ep 3 opens with hunting down the Jedi.  Order 66 happened so fast and many of the Jedi went down quick and easy.  It was lame.  Darth Vader didn't do anything but kill younglings (and don't use that word!) and unarmed politicians.  It was not bad ass at all.  Show him have epic fights with certain Jedi, with 3 or 4 against him.  The fight with Obi-Wan was good, then he was a major burn victim where they immediately slapped metal on him.  It was so rushed.  Then he didn't do anything as Vader in costume.  They could've made him injured and burnt in a battle with a whole team of Jedi taking out the last of them and then Palpatine and stormtroopers show up and kill the other Jedi fighting him, but Obi-Wan escapes.  Then maybe have Vader in his black suit have a showdown with Obi-Wan to end the movie.  I did like the final shot being the 2 suns of Tattooine setting and with baby Luke to link to A New Hope.

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12 minutes ago, Toty said:


Also, Yoda was supposed to have been his instructor


I get what they did there, Yoda at some point taught all Jedi at the Temple.  He was teaching a class to "younglings" in ep 2.  Ashoka refers to Yoda as a former master.  But you're right, that could have been a better established relationship.

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It was also an opportunity to really show the training of a Jedi the proper way.  What sort of things do they do in their training at the temple?  What are "the trials?"  It was an opportunity to see how they did things at the height of the Jedi order to contrast with the way they had to cobble together training for Luke without all those resources.

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2 hours ago, Toty said:


The actress that plays Cara Dune was in a movie a few years ago called Haywire.

She's still a bit thick back then (not as much as now) but looked pretty damn nice!







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