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Star Wars ongoing thread: The Acolyte now airing


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I think Gina Carano is sexy.  She is on the thick side now, more in a firm solid way than a soft way since she's an athlete and I usually don't go for that, but she makes it work.  I was talking with my BFF about The Mandalorian and how I enjoy watching both Gina Carano and Ming Na-Wen on the show, how I think they're both really sexy and she said if she was ever going to swing that way that she'd swing for someone like Gina Carano. 

I hear some of you about how the prequels could have been better.  The story I remember from my childhood was that it was Obi-Wan who injured Vader in an epic lightsabre fight, that he pushed him into a wall of lava during the duel.  I do think showing the new Darth Vader fighting other Jedi Knights would have been cool and then the final showdown with Obi-Wan.  That was a very good lightsabre battle between them in the film.  They did go the corny route with too much of the story and especially the dialogue.  Funny to see Natalie Portman totally rock in the film V For Vendetta and then look utterly pedestrian in SW E2.  The first episode had almost no chance of living up to the hype and the original films.  It would have had to been done perfectly.  Better casting for the main characters would have helped.  Ewan McGregor was a great choice and Portman would have been good if the directing wasn't shite, but the rest were not good.  Agree that Anakin was too whiny and should have had more of an edge to him and been older than 8 in E1.  Should have been an early teen. 


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New theory is that the Thrawn/Ezra tie in will allow them to establish multiple timelines/alternate universes and basically retcon Episodes VII- IX and establish a different path. 

Supposedly they are already planning on replacing all of the prequel characters/themes with Mandalorian characters/themes at the Disney parks too

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3 hours ago, iladelphxx said:

New theory is that the Thrawn/Ezra tie in will allow them to establish multiple timelines/alternate universes and basically retcon Episodes VII- IX and establish a different path. 

Supposedly they are already planning on replacing all of the prequel characters/themes with Mandalorian characters/themes at the Disney parks too

From randos on YouTube? 


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I always thought Gina was stupid hot. I also dig women who do combat sports/lifting. Not crazy about her political views but that pic made me forget all about that. She’s also in deadpool, Had no idea until I watched it a few weeks ago and noticed her. 

@NOTW put it perfectly about the prequels. There’s so much they could of done that would of been so much better. I’d honestly just prefer a reboot of the prequels with Filoni leading the charge, but who knows if he’d even want to since he already did Clone wars series. Avoid the multiple timelines please, X-men already showed how confusing that can get. I’m really nervous on how Marvel is going to navigate that. 

It’s probably best you just leave prequels alone & accept it is what it is. Maybe with them creating a new slate of Star Wars content we could get new and improved live action stories etc from the Clone Wars timeline. A Yoda story, or Windu, Maul for example. Could just do a brand new character also. 

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9 hours ago, Dwide Schrude said:

I always thought Gina was stupid hot. I also dig women who do combat sports/lifting. Not crazy about her political views but that pic made me forget all about that. She’s also in deadpool, Had no idea until I watched it a few weeks ago and noticed her. 

@NOTW put it perfectly about the prequels. There’s so much they could of done that would of been so much better. I’d honestly just prefer a reboot of the prequels with Filoni leading the charge, but who knows if he’d even want to since he already did Clone wars series. Avoid the multiple timelines please, X-men already showed how confusing that can get. I’m really nervous on how Marvel is going to navigate that. 

It’s probably best you just leave prequels alone & accept it is what it is. Maybe with them creating a new slate of Star Wars content we could get new and improved live action stories etc from the Clone Wars timeline. A Yoda story, or Windu, Maul for example. Could just do a brand new character also. 

Filoni has defended the prequels. He actually broke it down in a way that tells me he would have done a better job with the movies. It's like he's loyal to Lucas but at the same time better suited to take over.

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Listen to him explain the importance of episode 1 to Anakin's path...this didn't come across as dramatic as it should have. Lil Annie's "yipee" aw shucks character, Jar Jar, droids with bad humor, bad computer effects all took away from what should have been something epic regarding the discovery of the Chosen One and his path. 

Imagine if Filoni produced the trilogy. 


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  • 2 weeks later...
On 1/4/2021 at 10:50 AM, Toty said:

"It's a protocol droid to help mom" :facepalm:

It's stuff like that which ruined it. I agree that the story arc itself had the potential to be compelling.

Who wrote phantom? An intern?

Anakin built C3PO? Really? Did he program him too? Was it a kit he bought from the ads in the back of the Tosche Station newsletter? It doesn't make sense. How do they explain the identical droids walking around Leia's ship at the beginning of IV or on Bespin? It's STUPID!

And what's with the Naboo government? Ok fine, it's not unusual to have a young monarch if the succession is inherited - but an elected monarch with an expiring term? 14-years old in the throes of puberty? It's STUPID!

And which is Padme's "true" accent? Was she affecting that horrid drawl during the election like Hilary used to do?




You'za goin to the bosses.  You'za in big doo doo this time!

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On 1/12/2021 at 2:05 PM, The_Omega said:

You'za goin to the bosses.  You'za in big doo doo this time!

horrible, still not as bad as the ewoks. 

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James Earl Jones celebrated his 90th birthday yesterday. Kelly Marie Tran also shares the same birthday. 

Star Wars social media celebrated "the incredible" Kelly Marie Tran, but no post for Jones.


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NOTW - this is not directed at you, but a thought in response to your bday post. 

why is it that Star Wars fans get all up in arms when the "woke” left makes the main character a chick (Rey) or has a barely noticeable kiss (or was it a hug) with some lgbt people in the background of a scene... but had zero problems 40 years ago with a black man stealing a white character’s lines? 

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7 hours ago, opengeo said:

The shade they now openly throw at Rian Johnson...😂

Read the comments :lol:

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So I've been rewatching all the Star Wars movies. Most of which I've only seen once in theatres or watched like 15 years ago.

I've watched in this order so far: IV, V, VI, I, II, III, Solo, and Rogue One.

Just finished Rogue One last night, had only seen it once when it played in theatres and man it is an awesome movie. I absolutely loved it. Maybe it's just because my expectations bar was lowered by watching I, II, and III recently. Anyway, so many great supporting characters and the difference in tone from the rest of the movies was so well done. Plus Vader's involvement was so badass. Really forgot how much I liked this one. 

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41 minutes ago, BirdsFanBill said:

So I've been rewatching all the Star Wars movies. Most of which I've only seen once in theatres or watched like 15 years ago.

I've watched in this order so far: IV, V, VI, I, II, III, Solo, and Rogue One.

Just finished Rogue One last night, had only seen it once when it played in theatres and man it is an awesome movie. I absolutely loved it. Maybe it's just because my expectations bar was lowered by watching I, II, and III recently. Anyway, so many great supporting characters and the difference in tone from the rest of the movies was so well done. Plus Vader's involvement was so badass. Really forgot how much I liked this one. 

Now go watch The Mandalorian on Disney+ and you'll get the best Star Wars content along with Rogue One since the original trilogy.

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Just now, NOTW said:

Now go watch The Mandalorian on Disney+ and you'll get the best Star Wars content along with Rogue One since the original trilogy.

Already watched. Honestly finishing that is what made me want to do this.

Next gonna watch the 3 latest movies. Then go on to watch the Clone Wars show. 

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On 1/19/2021 at 10:57 AM, BirdsFanBill said:

Already watched. Honestly finishing that is what made me want to do this.

Next gonna watch the 3 latest movies. Then go on to watch the Clone Wars show. 

Clone Wars and Rebels may be cartoons and somewhat catered towards kids, but they add a lot of depth to the universe. And they are constantly referenced in the Mandolorian.

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I just watched the entire series over the past couple weeks - liked it.  I'm old enough to have seen the original in the theater and probably watched that and Empire & Jedi a half dozen times each back in the day.  I've only seen the news ones a time or two when they originally came out (thanks to Jar-Jar and Young Anakin), and none of the cartoons, so watching Mandolorian always had me guessing if I should know who various characters were and having little clue about the time line.  LOL - I just assumed Baby Yoda, was in fact Yoda.

I'll have to look up the meaning of the post credit scene.  I kinda vaguely sort of recall Boba Fett falling into the mouth of that desert thing at the start of Jedi, and assume that was a cousin of Jabba or something?

I do remember as a kid thinking Boba Fett was a cool character - but always hated his spaceship for some reason.

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3 hours ago, Gern Blanston said:

I just watched the entire series over the past couple weeks - liked it.  I'm old enough to have seen the original in the theater and probably watched that and Empire & Jedi a half dozen times each back in the day.  I've only seen the news ones a time or two when they originally came out (thanks to Jar-Jar and Young Anakin), and none of the cartoons, so watching Mandolorian always had me guessing if I should know who various characters were and having little clue about the time line.  LOL - I just assumed Baby Yoda, was in fact Yoda.

I'll have to look up the meaning of the post credit scene.  I kinda vaguely sort of recall Boba Fett falling into the mouth of that desert thing at the start of Jedi, and assume that was a cousin of Jabba or something?

I do remember as a kid thinking Boba Fett was a cool character - but always hated his spaceship for some reason.

yeah it seems boba survived his brush with death and was badass in mandalorian. 


i would suggest watching both animated series as they are being tied into mandalorian & the upcoming ahsoka series. 

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On 1/18/2021 at 1:42 PM, Agent23 said:

NOTW - this is not directed at you, but a thought in response to your bday post. 

why is it that Star Wars fans get all up in arms when the "woke” left makes the main character a chick (Rey) or has a barely noticeable kiss (or was it a hug) with some lgbt people in the background of a scene... but had zero problems 40 years ago with a black man stealing a white character’s lines? 

Probably has something to do with JEJ doing a great job as Vader. Meaning he was probably the right person for the job, while some of the femaleain characters in the new ones didn't do a great job, and there for may have been cast just for the sake of being woke. 

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