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Star Wars ongoing thread: The Acolyte now airing


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Episode 8 is basically Luke and Rey learning more about the Force, Luke training Rey up a lot so she's much more powerful.  And discussions (like in TLJ) about the failures of the Jedi in the past, how to have true balance in the Force.  Luke tapped into his anger in ROTJ which allowed him to overpower Vader but held back and didn't cross the line.  He did the same in the previous movie shooting lightning at the Knights of Ren.  How do you walk that line?  Ben is trying to do that himself and Luke is advising against it.  Rey points out the hypocrisy of "Do as I say, not as I do."  Luke advises that they aren't Jedi Masters yet and need to trust his judgement.  

Ben's story is essentially like an undercover cop who gets too comfortable in that world.  He's joined the Knights of Ren and climbing the ranks.  The Knights have so far not had a "leader" in the traditional sense.  Some start to see Ben as a potential leader, while others don't want a Palpatine situation and see it more as a collective without a single leader.  By the end of the movie, Ben has become the leader and is driven by desire for power.

More political stuff and battles, not sure what what would look like exactly.  This is where you could have Ben and Han have their confrontation and Han dies.

Meanwhile Luke's powers are enhanced on this island and he's able to stretch the ability to Force communicate with Leia.  They're able to locate him and send a ship to get him.  Leia and Luke discuss Ben and their concerns.  Leia's tried force communicating with Ben but he's closed off to her.

The final battle finds Luke and Ben fighting and Luke realizes he's going too far to the dark side of things and holds back.  Ben takes advantage of that "weakness" and kills Luke.  Ben is lost to the dark side.  He's killed his Father, killed his Jedi Master and is fully evil.  This final battle also had Rey fighting a couple Knights of Ren and performing much better now that she's had more training.  

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Episode 9: I don't know what to do there without repeating plots from the other movies.  Thoughts?


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On 2/8/2021 at 11:24 AM, NOTW said:

Episode 9: I don't know what to do there without repeating plots from the other movies.  Thoughts?


So in this iteration Ren is set up to be the big bad, as it should have been in real life. So you'll have at least a little bit of variance there if you just have rey kill Ren instead of having him redeem himself in the end. That's what I would do at least. Just because he's a solo/Skywalker doesn't mean he's immune to being evil.

I would also avoid any kind of Ben trying to turn Rey kind of thing. Just make it pure hatred and he is drunk with power trying to kill her and wipe out the resistance.

Maybe split the group, rey is reeling after losing Luke and has gone missing. Have her go to a place like felucia (or somewhere else if you see the jungle type planet as too similar to dagobah, there's a billion planets) or somewhere that gives a peaceful aura, she communicates with ghost Luke there who tells her she is the only one left to stop Ren and she leaves the planet.

During this time the resistance is either attempting a last ditch effort to kill Ren on some planet or they are withstanding an assault from the first order, not a lot of ways to get around this one. It's the final movie, someone has to be launching a large scale assault on someone in an attempt to free/control the galaxy. Either way while rey is gone the rest of the group is planning the attack/defense and maybe running a small mission to either bolster their defenses or weaken the first order.

So with that said Rey can show up really whenever for the final battle depending on how you want to play it. She can show up at the beginning and lead the charge/defense, show up in the middle and swing the battle in favor of the resistance, or show up for a last second save (obviously this works best if first order is launching the assault).

At the end as discussed earlier the final battle is Rey v Ren, and after a hard battle (maybe they have dialog that shows rey he is beyond saving) Rey kills him without hesitation. No last minute redemption or kisses, this guy is pure evil. She can still be upset afterwards about the way his path unfolded but it does not stop her from doing the job in any way.

I would have Leia die in the second movie. She can be weakened or something after Ben kills han, and then dies after he kills Luke and turns completely (this is random but I thought about it after I wrote everything out)


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4 hours ago, devpool said:

So in this iteration Ren is set up to be the big bad, as it should have been in real life. So you'll have at least a little bit of variance there if you just have rey kill Ren instead of having him redeem himself in the end. That's what I would do at least. Just because he's a solo/Skywalker doesn't mean he's immune to being evil.

I would also avoid any kind of Ben trying to turn Rey kind of thing. Just make it pure hatred and he is drunk with power trying to kill her and wipe out the resistance.

Maybe split the group, rey is reeling after losing Luke and has gone missing. Have her go to a place like felucia (or somewhere else if you see the jungle type planet as too similar to dagobah, there's a billion planets) or somewhere that gives a peaceful aura, she communicates with ghost Luke there who tells her she is the only one left to stop Ren and she leaves the planet.

During this time the resistance is either attempting a last ditch effort to kill Ren on some planet or they are withstanding an assault from the first order, not a lot of ways to get around this one. It's the final movie, someone has to be launching a large scale assault on someone in an attempt to free/control the galaxy. Either way while rey is gone the rest of the group is planning the attack/defense and maybe running a small mission to either bolster their defenses or weaken the first order.

So with that said Rey can show up really whenever for the final battle depending on how you want to play it. She can show up at the beginning and lead the charge/defense, show up in the middle and swing the battle in favor of the resistance, or show up for a last second save (obviously this works best if first order is launching the assault).

At the end as discussed earlier the final battle is Rey v Ren, and after a hard battle (maybe they have dialog that shows rey he is beyond saving) Rey kills him without hesitation. No last minute redemption or kisses, this guy is pure evil. She can still be upset afterwards about the way his path unfolded but it does not stop her from doing the job in any way.

I would have Leia die in the second movie. She can be weakened or something after Ben kills han, and then dies after he kills Luke and turns completely (this is random but I thought about it after I wrote everything out)


Thanks for the reply!

I agree on Kylo Ren being evil and not turning good.  Too predictable.  I think one theme from the originals they can utilize is that the good guys work as a team and even Luke needed help from his friends.  Rey would not step in and be the savior per se, she would work with them and need their help.

I think their plan for Leia before Carrie Fisher died was to have her live the entire series and see Ben turn good again.  But despite what we know now, it might have been impactful for Ben's path to darkness to kill them both at the same time.

I also did like the idea of the stormtrooper who defected.  The idea of taking kids from birth or very young ages and brainwashing and training them to be soldiers could have been interesting.  They did absolutely nothing with it except have Finn meet other former stormtroopers on Endor.  That could have been a plot device of stopping that practice and rescuing kids, and also contrasting the idea that there are kids who are born force sensitive and they can be trained for good or evil.  Tie in to the next generation of Star Wars by looking at the next generation of kids and the future of the galaxy.  Missed opportunity and plot left unresolved.

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22 minutes ago, DEagle7 said:


She seems to be a pretty sheety person but Cara Dune was an interesting character and strangely hot. Oh well. 

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4 minutes ago, LeanMeanGM said:

She seems to be a pretty sheety person but Cara Dune was an interesting character and strangely hot. Oh well. 

Eh had an interesting backstory but it didn't really develop IMO. Plus she was a pretty bad actress, but in her defense it didn't help that they paired her up with Carl Weathers in every scene.  Even by Star Wars standards those 2 were rough. 

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Yea she’s weirdly super hot, and was a noticeably bad actress. I tried to ignore her political views, but she dug herself into a hole with this one. I won’t miss her in Star Wars universe, and that’s not because of mainly her political views but because how meh she was as a character. 

also her getting fired is just probably going to reinforce even more so in her mind that republicans are treated like Jewish people in Holocaust. Very sad perception of hers. 

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3 hours ago, Dwide Schrude said:

Yea she’s weirdly super hot, and was a noticeably bad actress. I tried to ignore her political views, but she dug herself into a hole with this one. I won’t miss her in Star Wars universe, and that’s not because of mainly her political views but because how meh she was as a character. 

also her getting fired is just probably going to reinforce even more so in her mind that republicans are treated like Jewish people in Holocaust. Very sad perception of hers. 

I'm not going to defend her as a person for the other stuff she has done but this is not at all what she said, this is what everyone just implied on their own because she is a conservative lunatic.

What she literally compared it to was hating someone because they have a different belief than you, the irony in it is that everyone saying that it was anti Semitic only did so because they don't agree with her views. People were comparing trump to NSDAP Germany and making these same comparisons for the last two years, and it was never anti Semitic to compare. But now someone they don't like said it, so it's anti Semitic.

She is by all accounts a garbage person and a right wing nutjob but people are really acting like she literally said being a republican is like being Jewish during the holocaust which she absolutely did not. There really aren't a lot of good comparisons for people who truly hate others for no good reason, but she really could have found a better one.

I'd be happy to hear from someone Jewish if this is any more anti-Semitic than what we have heard the past two years because I am just not seeing a difference except in the person making the comparison.

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3 hours ago, Bill said:

Any other hot death by snu snu actresses they can throw in?

Lot of people on Twitter asking for Lucy Lawless

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4 hours ago, Bill said:

Any other hot death by snu snu actresses they can throw in?

HMMMM hot and very big........should someone PM Corey ?

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14 hours ago, Bill said:

Any other hot death by snu snu actresses they can throw in?

Watching thor Ragnarok, they should get Tessa Thompson 

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23 hours ago, devpool said:

I'm not going to defend her as a person for the other stuff she has done but this is not at all what she said, this is what everyone just implied on their own because she is a conservative lunatic.

What she literally compared it to was hating someone because they have a different belief than you, the irony in it is that everyone saying that it was anti Semitic only did so because they don't agree with her views. People were comparing trump to NSDAP Germany and making these same comparisons for the last two years, and it was never anti Semitic to compare. But now someone they don't like said it, so it's anti Semitic.

She is by all accounts a garbage person and a right wing nutjob but people are really acting like she literally said being a republican is like being Jewish during the holocaust which she absolutely did not. There really aren't a lot of good comparisons for people who truly hate others for no good reason, but she really could have found a better one.

I'd be happy to hear from someone Jewish if this is any more anti-Semitic than what we have heard the past two years because I am just not seeing a difference except in the person making the comparison.


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11 hours ago, devpool said:

Watching thor Ragnarok, they should get Tessa Thompson 

Honestly the way the show ended I was thinking where do they go from here?  This could potentially put a pause on the Baby Yoda thing for a while and revisit later or in the crossover event after the 3 series are done.  I can't see them doing much with CGI Luke.  I think it would be cool if they just got Sebastian Stan to do it, he looks a lot like young Mark Hamill.  Could open up a huge door for more Luke content post-ROTJ.  

Anyway, I got the sense that chapter was closed at least for a while and they were going to find something else for Mandalorian to do.  So that would make it easy to write Cara Dune and even other characters out of it.  She was this character he visited sometimes but not in every episode.  Frankly, I never liked her character anyway.

I think they could do something interesting with the new Republic but also get back to that Old Western in Space them with him getting back into bounty hunting.  There's also Bo-Katan and the other Mandalorians, the black saber and all that.  So I wonder if they'll go in that direction or if that's content they plan on doing in another show or something.

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1 hour ago, NOTW said:

Honestly the way the show ended I was thinking where do they go from here?  This could potentially put a pause on the Baby Yoda thing for a while and revisit later or in the crossover event after the 3 series are done.  I can't see them doing much with CGI Luke.  I think it would be cool if they just got Sebastian Stan to do it, he looks a lot like young Mark Hamill.  Could open up a huge door for more Luke content post-ROTJ.  

Anyway, I got the sense that chapter was closed at least for a while and they were going to find something else for Mandalorian to do.  So that would make it easy to write Cara Dune and even other characters out of it.  She was this character he visited sometimes but not in every episode.  Frankly, I never liked her character anyway.

I think they could do something interesting with the new Republic but also get back to that Old Western in Space them with him getting back into bounty hunting.  There's also Bo-Katan and the other Mandalorians, the black saber and all that.  So I wonder if they'll go in that direction or if that's content they plan on doing in another show or something.

That's my guess. Mando expands primarily on the Bo-Katan/Mandalor storyline. Ashoka the Thrawn/Ezra storyline. Baby Yoda kinda weaves his way back into the universe sporadically. Boba Fett and the XWing pilots are kind of a mystery, whether they'll work towards a bigger storyline.

Either way I'm excited for all the universe building. They've done a helluva job setting things up. 

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1 hour ago, DEagle7 said:

That's my guess. Mando expands primarily on the Bo-Katan/Mandalor storyline. Ashoka the Thrawn/Ezra storyline. Baby Yoda kinda weaves his way back into the universe sporadically. Boba Fett and the XWing pilots are kind of a mystery, whether they'll work towards a bigger storyline.

Either way I'm excited for all the universe building. They've done a helluva job setting things up. 

my younger son just watched the animated series and liked them both. he never really had a desire to watch these shows before, until mandalorian. now he cant wait to see how this all plays out. neither can i. 

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On 2/12/2021 at 11:38 AM, NOTW said:

Honestly the way the show ended I was thinking where do they go from here?  This could potentially put a pause on the Baby Yoda thing for a while and revisit later or in the crossover event after the 3 series are done.  I can't see them doing much with CGI Luke.  I think it would be cool if they just got Sebastian Stan to do it, he looks a lot like young Mark Hamill.  Could open up a huge door for more Luke content post-ROTJ.  

I think they could do something interesting with the new Republic but also get back to that Old Western in Space them with him getting back into bounty hunting.  There's also Bo-Katan and the other Mandalorians, the black saber and all that.  So I wonder if they'll go in that direction or if that's content they plan on doing in another show or something.

On 2/12/2021 at 12:59 PM, DEagle7 said:

That's my guess. Mando expands primarily on the Bo-Katan/Mandalor storyline. Ashoka the Thrawn/Ezra storyline. Baby Yoda kinda weaves his way back into the universe sporadically. Boba Fett and the XWing pilots are kind of a mystery, whether they'll work towards a bigger storyline.

Either way I'm excited for all the universe building. They've done a helluva job setting things up. 

On 2/12/2021 at 2:02 PM, Alpha_TATEr said:

my younger son just watched the animated series and liked them both. he never really had a desire to watch these shows before, until mandalorian. now he cant wait to see how this all plays out. neither can i. 

Ooooooooo just had a thought.  I wonder if Maul is going to make an appearance in any of these story-lines.  He interacted with Ashoka in the Clone Wars show, BUT hear me out: since it was revealed in Solo he was the head of the Crimson Dawn crime syndicate and Boba took over the vacated Hutt crime throne at the end this season...could we get Boba Fett vs Darth Maul?!?!


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