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Star Wars ongoing thread: The Acolyte now airing


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I'm really loving it. Yes the writing is a bit cheesy but honestly that's kind of part of the Star Wars universe. It's equal parts emotional/intense and cheesedick 80s action movie. The aesthetic works well (sticking with practical effects is important but even beyond that). And a LOT of references to the Clone Wars and even Fallen Order to appease the dorks among us (guilty).

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Even if you were going to do what they did, why episode 3?

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My predictions:


Force Ghost Qui Gon is the big secret reveal for this show and he helps Obi Won get his mojo back

Reva turns good after seeing Vader do something horrific and dies fighting Vader to help Obi Wan and Leia escape 


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6 hours ago, iladelphxx said:



The show totally breaks canon. They said that going in I believe. I also didn't like 


how it's pretty much common knowledge to everyone that Darth Vader is Anakin Skywalker. No one is supposed to know.

However, I'm still able to put those things aside and enjoy the show. Hearing James Earl Jones as Vader again is awesome. 

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Who else besides Reva and Obi Wan know Anakin is Vader?

Everything from ANH can still fit, and it’ll probably stay that way if Obi Wan wins the final fight in this series.

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Honestly, I'm just here for Ewan who has been excellent. Writing could be better.  For example,


I don't get how third sister got ahead of Leia, but I'm generally enjoying the series.


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9 hours ago, iladelphxx said:

My predictions:


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Force Ghost Qui Gon is the big secret reveal for this show and he helps Obi Won get his mojo back

Reva turns good after seeing Vader do something horrific and dies fighting Vader to help Obi Wan and Leia escape 



The first one I don't think is much of a secret.  It's been pretty telegraphed so far.  I could see the second one, but they need to do some serious character development for that to work. 

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Obi Wan using the mole man


as a shield

was surprising. Seems a bit out of character for a Jedi.

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13 minutes ago, The_Omega said:

Obi Wan using the mole man

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as a shield

was surprising. Seems a bit out of character for a Jedi.

I think it kind of fits with him being lost and out of touch with his former self. Ewan has been great playing him as a broken man.

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38 minutes ago, The_Omega said:

Obi Wan using the mole man

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as a shield

was surprising. Seems a bit out of character for a Jedi.

I mean to be fair


The Mole Man totally sold them out.  Franky, I expected more from Dr. Dorian. Turk will be so disappointed.


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This is another show where the writers and director are unnecessarily shooting themselves in the foot.  If random fans on the internet can pick apart stuff in a few minutes then the paid writers should be doing much, much better.



Leia sucks.  She should have been terrified at being kidnapped and comply with the adult helping her escape.  Her running is slow as molasses so they have the adults doing that run/walk super slow to pretend they can't catch up to her.  Now she's giving orders and Obi-Wan is just going along instead of being in charge, it's dumb.

Vader should be able to sense Obi-Wan with the force and know where he is, read his thoughts, etc. You would think he'd find out about Leia.  They know he's travelling with a girl who was kidnapped, they would want to investigate that.  Hmm, the girl from Alderaan who was adopted by Senator Organa who is friendly with the Jedi? Better look into that. 

Vader was toying with him at first, but then he gets thrown into fire and barely burns?  What?  His entire body would be burnt and in excruciating pain.  

Vader is so powerful but...one random person shoots a blaster and everyone stops?  Why wouldn't the stormtroopers shoot up at her?  Why wouldn't Vader use the force to pull Obi-Wan through the fire to him and capture or kill him?  

The Inquisitors bickering is already really old and tired.  "I just spoke to Vader"  "Well I already told Vader..."  they should just stick their tongues out at each other at this point.  And as 20 said, how did Reva get to the end of the tunnel to kill the pilot and greet Leia if it was one-way and Leia was ahead of her?

The very obvious buildup to seeing Qui-Gon force ghost is going to ruin any surprise of the moment.  Should just leave it alone, don't mention his name then in a dark moment he appears. 



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20 hours ago, Weaponx01 said:

What about the writing and story sucks? How would you change it? Genuinely asking.

Others have summed it up well.  Here's another example. Vader dragged Obi Wan through the fire, so why does Vader stand there like an idiot when the fire reappeared?  You are a Sith Master, drag him through it and kill him off. Or choke him, etc - he hates him after all.  Or the previous episode when the Empire locked down the port but had no air cover....

I guess my point is, it could be a lot better with a bit more organisation and planning at the 10,000 foot level.  Tighten the plot up as it will give you gifts down the line.

McGregor though. Very, very good.

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Here's another one..... 

How can he simultaneously be so dedicated to watching over and defending Luke, yet he let himself become so out of shape and rusty? 

How would he defend Luke if something went wrong? 

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5 minutes ago, iladelphxx said:

Here's another one..... 

How can he simultaneously be so dedicated to watching over and defending Luke, yet he let himself become so out of shape and rusty? 

How would he defend Luke if something went wrong? 

It's understandable to let himself go just hanging in the desert.  They're going for the hermit in exile who is just waiting to pass the torch.  But yeah he's given up hope and hiding and telling another Jedi to run and hide, but lecturing Owen that Luke must be trained.  Why let other Jedi die off and just hold off to train Luke?  Why not collect surviving Jedi and force sensitive kids and go somewhere remote to train and prepare? Of course the reason is that the movie that started it all had Luke as the sole hope to be a new Jedi, but when they introduce all these new things later it raises questions.  And if he's supposed to train Luke why isn't he?  Just because Owen doesn't want him to?  So he just waits until Luke seeks him out years later instead.

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20 hours ago, iladelphxx said:

I don't know how I feel about this..... 

Like a cartoon rat is arse raping your childhood, obviously.

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I wonder if Cal Kestis will make an appearance. Or a reference. He'd be around right in this time frame. And the inquisitors were introduced during that game. Wouldn't put it past Disney. 

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Any chance they 


do anything with Obi-Wan's reveal he thinks he had a brother as a child? 


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13 minutes ago, NOTW said:

Any chance they 

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do anything with Obi-Wan's reveal he thinks he had a brother as a child? 


OK, that would be intriguing

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I'm waiting for the Third Sister to start slicing people up because they won't pay reparations.


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This review made me laugh


Some highlights

Obi-Wan is hiding from everyone but nonetheless everyone knows where he is. Owen, the guardian of infant Luke Skywalker, knows he’s spying on them. A rogue Jedi finds him with ease. The adopted father of Princess Leia goes straight to his secret hiding place. Frankly, the fact the Galactic Empire cannot find Obi-Wan makes me regret voting for them.

Before long the terrible security at her palace means Li’l Leia is kidnapped by Flea from the Red Hot Chili Peppers (playing himself) following a forest chase scene that looks like it was made in one take by people for whom making money has just got too easy. At one point a baddie literally runs into a tree branch he’s looking right at.

Eventually Anakin/Darth Vader turns up all asthmatic and grumpy, choking people telekinetically and waving his space sword. Obi-Wan is surprised to see him in his leather duds and bucket helmet. "What have you become?” he says, which is a pretty rude thing to say to someone who’s dressed like that because you chopped their legs off and knocked them into a lava river.

"I was hoping people hadn’t noticed!” cries Darth, or words to that effect, before trying to chop Obi-Wan up, choke him and set him on fire. His management style is thorough. Obi-Wan is saved at the last minute, but you knew that because you’ve seen the subsequent films.

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I watched a couple of episodes the other day (of Obi Wan). I'll keep watching, but the acting of that 'Third Sister' character, is really pretty bad. Poor job of casting, or at least a poor job of acting, if she can do better. 

They need to get to an episode where someone tosses her out an airlock, and then bring in her replacement. 

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2 hours ago, VaBeach_Eagle said:

I watched a couple of episodes the other day (of Obi Wan). I'll keep watching, but the acting of that 'Third Sister' character, is really pretty bad. Poor job of casting, or at least a poor job of acting, if she can do better. 

They need to get to an episode where someone tosses her out an airlock, and then bring in her replacement. 

I think the issue is more with her writing than her acting to be fair. Bunch of really awful lines. I dunno could be wrong.

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