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Star Wars ongoing thread: The Acolyte now airing


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Good God how long did it take you to write that thesis?  I'm sorry mate, I get in a bad mood and I like to troll SW nerds over TLJ.  It tickles the evil parts of my soul, what can I tell you?

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3 hours ago, dawkins4prez said:

Good God how long did it take you to write that thesis?  I'm sorry mate, I get in a bad mood and I like to troll SW nerds over TLJ.  It tickles the evil parts of my soul, what can I tell you?

In other words, you can't defend your argument other than to enjoy that TLJ bothered fans which is the only real reason you liked it.

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17 hours ago, NOTW said:

plus have a purple haired feminist step in and put the "flyboy" toxic man in his place


It was the entire point of this completely nonsensical plotline. Not to mention her "Shut up and do what you're told! You don't need to know why!" attitude is the very thing they've been fighting against in every movie. 

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The entire Casino scene/plot in TLJ was unwatchable. Worse than anything from the prequels. 

Agree with @NOTW, there was sooooooo much potential with a conflicted Luke. And...they just wasted it. 

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24 minutes ago, Gannan said:


It was the entire point of this completely nonsensical plotline. Not to mention her "Shut up and do what you're told! You don't need to know why!" attitude is the very thing they've been fighting against in every movie. 

There was a very valid leadership lesson already between Leia and Poe.  Leia saw the bigger picture and the need to spare lives and resources to escape and fight another day.  Poe ignored her orders and went forward with the bombing anyway, and they lost all their bombers and lost lives.  Ultimately, that didn't help the resistance.  For some reason, despite 30 years after the evil Empire was dethroned, they were back to a tiny band of rebels and the First Order (dumb name) had a huge army and battalion of ships.  Anyway, there was a comedic moment as well when she says you can't solve things by jumping in an X-wing and blowing things up.  Then moments later they're under attack and he asks for permission to jump in an X-wing and blow things up and she says go for it.  They had a good rapport going and she was teaching him leadership lesson and preparing him to step up and lead in her absence.  By the end of the movie, he learns the lesson to be patient and take a moment to assess the best action and he leads them to safety and she's proud of him, and tells everyone why are you looking at me, follow him.  That was all fine and they can tie that little story arc in a neat bow.  The Holdo thing was completely pointless.  Not to mention, why was she in heels and a ball gown in that situation at all?  It was just silly.

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4 minutes ago, vikas83 said:

The entire Casino scene/plot in TLJ was unwatchable. Worse than anything from the prequels. 

Agree with @NOTW, there was sooooooo much potential with a conflicted Luke. And...they just wasted it. 

Finn says it was all worth it to make that town suffer...then Rose lets 1 more animal go and says "NOW it was worth it."  Hate to break it to you, but those rich arms dealer folks are just going to make the peasants and slaves clean up the mess, they'll fix up the casino in about 2 days max, they'll recapture those animals and continue doing everything exactly as they were.  And because they're pissed, they'll probably beat the slave kids and take it out on them.  You riled up the "evil" folks and then left without doing anything to help the suffering enslaved kids.  But you released some animals that will surely be recaptured.

There was almost potential in them also learning a lesson that their plan didn't work, that not every rebel/hero plan is going to work out and how do you deal with defeat, suffer losses and move on and recover...but nah.  Some would suggest that would be writing a story "with balls."  They had a childish view of sticking it to the man but it actually did nothing.  And the CGI and cinematography was atrocious.  It's as if they had a 2nd director handle those scenes they looked terrible.  At least the island and Snoke's throne room fight scene looked good.

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Sums up Obi-Wan so far, obviously spoilers.  This series should have been more like Logan - stripped down character focused and gritty.



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I liked TLJ because they stuck it to the rich people when they released those poor subjugated animals!

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9 hours ago, NOTW said:

In other words, you can't defend your argument other than to enjoy that TLJ bothered fans which is the only real reason you liked it.

Mickey Mouse could **** down your throat and you would savor and gargle every grain of undigested rice and corn kernel looking for answers as to how it could link together or should have been.  At McDonald's they call you a "heavy user".

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On 6/8/2022 at 11:42 AM, NOTW said:

One random thing I have thought about the Star Wars universe as a whole, is media/news and communication.  The technology is advanced in many ways, but they don't have great personal communication devices like a smart phone to communicate directly to each other, take video evidence of things happening.  There's no news outlets sharing information.  

There seems to be a lot of lack of knowledge about what's going on, what happened in the past.  In The Force Awakens, some people think Luke Skywalker is a myth and it was only like 30 years prior.  Some groups or planets don't seem to know Jedi are real, the events of the war, you would think there would be news and propaganda. Some people seem to have knowledge about things when they travel from planet to planet.  But how does that news travel?  It probably doesn't fit in the style of the movies to cut to some galactic news channel reporting the news or getting into politically biased media for the Empire and for the Republic or whatever.  I just always thought it was funny with all the technology there's not news where people find out about things.  

I never watched clone wars or any cartoons, but from what I gather from internet posts over the years, and more and more additional live action content, it seems like there were HUNDREDS of Jedi before order 66. And these Jedi seem to famous on the level of NAVY SEALS or Special Forces where they just have this well-known presence of being elite government-ran forces. 

so yeah, sequel trilogy making it seem like Jedi was this urban legend and even the OG trilogy seeming to see a Jedi and think it’s like a cowboy wandering into town, as if there was a well-known mass extermination of them Galaxy-wide 

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I wish the rescue of Leia was done after episode 2, and the rest of the season was Kenobi on the run now that he is out in the open. I have nothing against the Leia character, she’s actually gotten better the last few episodes.  But I just find this whole storyline tiresome and detracting from the real story which is Anakin and Obi Wan.  Instead we’re getting into even more ridiculous shenanigans to save Leia and the return of the "I let them escape because I placed a tracker on them” bit.  Sorry, we’ve seen that song and dance before.

I’m still enjoying it for Ewan but I thought this show was going into a different direction after the first two episodes.  I got my hopes up. 

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9 hours ago, 20Safety_Hazards said:

I wish the rescue of Leia was done after episode 2, and the rest of the season was Kenobi on the run now that he is out in the open. I have nothing against the Leia character, she’s actually gotten better the last few episodes.  But I just find this whole storyline tiresome and detracting from the real story which is Anakin and Obi Wan.  Instead we’re getting into even more ridiculous shenanigans to save Leia and the return of the "I let them escape because I placed a tracker on them” bit.  Sorry, we’ve seen that song and dance before.

I’m still enjoying it for Ewan but I thought this show was going into a different direction after the first two episodes.  I got my hopes up. 

I just assume anything modern day Disney touches will turn to 💩 the further it gets into their system, so my hopes never get up too much now.  There are odd good things like Star Wars cartoons and Hit Monkey that are still made, but invariably it will descend into the same old tired tropes.  Putting a tracker on something, 2 people looking for something, old characters made to look idiotic/weak, etc.

It's no wonder their financial projections are not near where they want them to be.

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14 hours ago, 20Safety_Hazards said:

I wish the rescue of Leia was done after episode 2, and the rest of the season was Kenobi on the run now that he is out in the open. I have nothing against the Leia character, she’s actually gotten better the last few episodes.  But I just find this whole storyline tiresome and detracting from the real story which is Anakin and Obi Wan.  Instead we’re getting into even more ridiculous shenanigans to save Leia and the return of the "I let them escape because I placed a tracker on them” bit.  Sorry, we’ve seen that song and dance before.

I’m still enjoying it for Ewan but I thought this show was going into a different direction after the first two episodes.  I got my hopes up. 

I agree with you.  I think I said this before, but they should have either kept Leia out of it completely or made it a 1 episode mission then move on.  Having Inquisitors separate and out hunting Jedi was good enough "filler" to give the series something to do.  Have Obi-Wan get off the bench, get his mojo back helping other surviving Jedi and lead up to defeating Inquisitors and facing Vader in the finale.  The ep 3 Vader fight was anti-climatic.  They are giving a brief look at some rebels building a network, could do a bit more with that.

They also missed an opportunity to focus on the Inquisitors hunting down Jedi and looking for force sensitive children and Luke is on Tattoine, create more fear in Obi-Wan to protect Luke.  Dealing with emotional guilt and conflict in trying to protect Luke at the expense of other Jedi.

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On 6/10/2022 at 3:27 PM, NOTW said:

For some reason, despite 30 years after the evil Empire was dethroned, they were back to a tiny band of rebels and the First Order (dumb name) had a huge army and battalion of ships.  





The Hosnian Cataclysm, also known as the destruction of Hosnian Prime, the destruction of the Hosnian system, the Hosnian Calamity, the Starkiller Incident, or the Starkiller Base incident, was the destruction of the Hosnian system at the hands of the First Order in 34 ABY—thirty years after the Battle of Endor. The event took place during the Cold War and marked the annihilation of Courtsilius, Raysho, Hosnian, Cardota, and Hosnian Prime, the capital of the New Republic. Its destruction was carried out from the Unknown Regions by Starkiller Base, a superweapon on Ilum capable of destroying entire star systems. With the destruction of Hosnian Prime came the destruction of the Galactic Senate and the home fleet of the New Republic Defense Fleet. The massive sub-hyperspace ripple created by the destruction of the system made the event visible in real time around the galaxy, including the planets of Takodana and Vardos. After the destruction of the Hosnian System, the conflict between the First Order and the Resistance escalated into full open warfare.

In the aftermath of the event, General Leia Organa of the Resistance organized a counterattack to destroy the First Order superweapon. The Battle of Starkiller Base ensued, resulting in the base's destruction moments before the Starkiller was ready to fire on D'Qar, the location of the Resistance base. However, the extermination of the Galactic Senate and a large part of the Republic fleet, as well as the massive loss of life, left both the New Republic and the Resistance vulnerable while the armed forces of the First Order moved to take control of the galaxy.


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That makes a lot of sense, and is a good storyline. They should have explored that in episode 7.

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9 hours ago, iladelphxx said:

If this is true, this is hot garbage 



I unintentionally saw rumours of the ending and if it is true, it sucks a**.  The sort of ending where an unliked character saves the day, out of character for their role


A Reva bait and switch

And will just naff off annoyed fans who claim its just woke Disney BS and the canon means nothing


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1 hour ago, UK Eagle said:
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I unintentionally saw rumours of the ending and if it is true, it sucks a**.  The sort of ending where an unliked character saves the day, out of character for their role

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A Reva bait and switch

And will just naff off annoyed fans who claim its just woke Disney BS and the canon means nothing



You know this is true and basically is what the video talks about.  

And if it goes down the way they mention in the video, it actually really messes up canon 



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On 6/13/2022 at 4:29 PM, iladelphxx said:

I know the scene.  It was unclear that the ONLY people that would be in resistance against the First Order were in that system.  The trilogy didn't deal with post ROTJ New Republic well at all.  It was a blip on the screen.  At the end of ep 8 there are like 15 people left.  Then in opening ep 9 there are a bunch more, and by the end Lando shows up with thousands of ships from regular people who didn't get involved when Leia asked for help in 8, but showed up when Lando asked in 9.  The story was all over the place, they had no plan for the trilogy mapped out properly.  Two interesting things to actually see would have been the New Republic with Leia leading, and Luke actually building or already in progress on a new Jedi school and then show Ben leaving for the dark side.  So many missed opportunities.

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1 hour ago, UK Eagle said:
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I unintentionally saw rumours of the ending and if it is true, it sucks a**.  The sort of ending where an unliked character saves the day, out of character for their role

  Reveal hidden contents

A Reva bait and switch

And will just naff off annoyed fans who claim its just woke Disney BS and the canon means nothing



I read comments from several people online guessing the ending without seeing any leaks or spoilers, just seeing based on the setup:



They are hyping up Reva so much, some fans have guessed she will let Leia go and become a hero and Vader will kill her so this isn't far off from what fans have guessed.  

What's weird is Vader doesn't use the Force to read her mind and sense anything but in other scenes Reva, Kylo Ren and others use the Force to read minds and get information.  But Vader doesn't?



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Rumors about a season 2.  Deborah Chow says it was intended as a limited one time series, but there are certainly more stories to tell in the 10 years between this and A New Hope.  Disney+ viewership is high.



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Taika Waititi’s new Star Wars film will "expand” the universe

Don't expect to meet Chewbacca's grandmother in Waititi's Star Wars

When he’s in the driver’s seat, though, things will be different: "I don’t think that I’m any use in the Star Wars universe making a film where everyone’s like, ‘Oh great, well that’s the blueprints to the Millennium Falcon, ah that’s Chewbacca’s grandmother,’” he said. "That all stands alone, that’s great, though I would like to take something new and create some new characters and just expand the world, otherwise it feels like it’s a very small story.”

If you’re making a Star Wars movie that has no connection to the previous Star Wars movies, why not just make an original sci-fi film? The state of modern cinema being such as it is, that’s probably too much to ask.

That's the right way to go.  New stories and new characters where you can do different things.  



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57 minutes ago, NOTW said:

Don't expect to meet Chewbacca's grandmother in Waititi's Star Wars

Good because this monstrosity from the Holiday special was terrifying


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Ep 5



Flashback to Obi and Anakin from episode 2 timeframe showed the type of Anakin we wanted to see then:  aggressive, not listening to Obi-Wan, talking about mercy is weak and that's why you lose...THAT was the kind of bad arse we wanted to see, prepping to become Vader.  More post-Lucas content fixing mistakes and giving fans a bit more that they wanted to see.  Although flashback Anakin looks 40 years old.  They de-age everyone else in these things.  :lol:

Ugh, Leia is going to crawl into a vent to evaluate the wiring on the hangar door?  What does she know about that?  Just silly.  Stop trying to make Leia an action hero at 9 years old.

Reva: what were you doing when Anakin was killing Younglings?  Obi:  hunting Anakin.  Reva with a stupid follow up: why didn't you help us, why didn't you save us?  Uh, he just said he was out hunting Anakin.  He was on another planet stopping the war and then the Emperor's order 66 had stormtroopers shoot at him at the same time you were being attacked.  You know that, so yeah this dialogue is dumb.

Reva:  I'll stop at nothing!  Also Reva: hiding behind stormtroopers in the attack not doing anything.  :lol:

Vader force pulling the ship then breaking it open was the kind of bad arse Vader we wanted to see in the prequels.

Reva trying to surprise Vader idea:  not bad.  Execution, waiting til he WASN'T distracted and totally saw it coming: awful. Grand Inquisitor returning as fans expected, but was a good payback when he got to rub it in Reva's face.  But leaving her wounded but not dead was dumb.  Vader wouldn't just leave her like that, he'd finish the job.  But they want more Reva in the story to go try and find Luke.  Which doesn't make sense now that Obi-Wan sort of turned her against Vader what point would there be in her doing that?

At least the Obi-Wan character was better in this.



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