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Star Wars ongoing thread: The Acolyte now airing


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11 hours ago, iladelphxx said:

I just realized that I forgot already..... Did she die? 


2 hours ago, UK Eagle said:


That would make sense in terms of canon, but then Disney wouldn't get the cool blue/red lightsaber scene, so nah.  Let's not do that

I don't think so. She took Luke back and then disappeared, but I only recall that from watching review videos. My first thought was she died, but clearly there is a Reva series redemption series from Disney at some point, likely based on Tattooine and the generic city from Kenobi and Boba Fett

No, she lived.  Obi-Wan told her she can live in peace now and then she rode off in the sunset...so she can show up in another show.  I'm guessing Ashoka series.

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5 hours ago, NOTW said:

No, she lived.  Obi-Wan told her she can live in peace now and then she rode off in the sunset...so she can show up in another show.  I'm guessing Ashoka series.

Gotcha, that sequence passed me by but I figured her redemption arc is very much a Disney kind of thing

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More on the original story for Obi-Wan.  Stuart Bettie actually was writing a trilogy of movies, which that idea was scrapped after Solo didn't do well and they didn't want to do any more movies.  Stuart's ideas were to build Obi-Wan's motivations leading up to why he came to the place in A New Hope to stop fighting and sacrifice himself.  They took his scripts and converted them into the show which is why he got writing credit but didn't actually work on the Obi-Wan show.

These comments came in an article about a fan who edited the show down to a two and a half hour movie to give it better pacing and less awkward scenes.  Trying to find that movie online (not on YouTube) and post it here.




"So when I pitched my Obi-Wan story to Lucasfilm, I said: ‘There’s actually three stories here. Because there’s three different evolutions that the character has to make in order to go from Obi-Wan to Ben.’ And the first one was the first movie, which was the show, which was: ‘Surrender to the will of the Force. Transport your will, surrender your will. Leave the kid alone.'”

"So then, the second [movie] was thinking about where Kenobi ends up. And one of the most powerful and probably the most powerful moment in all of Obi-Wan’s story is that moment where he sacrifices himself in A New Hope.”

"Great moment, you know, makes you cry. But, if you stop and think about it, it’s a pretty sudden thing, to just kind of go be fighting a guy, to see Luke and go: ‘I’m gonna die.’ You know, that to me, that required forethought. That required pre-acceptance that this was going to happen.”

"So again, it’s one of those universal things we all struggle with, to come to terms with our own mortality. So, that was the second step of the evolution for me, that Obi-Wan now has to come to terms with his own mortality, somehow in a prophecy, or Qui-Gon telling him: ‘There’s going to come a moment where you’re gonna have to sacrifice yourself for the good,’ And then [Obi-Wan] is like, ‘What? No, no, no, no, I’m here to help… I can’t, no.'”

"And get him to that point where Obi-Wan has accepted the idea that he’s going to die, and that he’s going to die willingly at a crucial moment, and you will know when that moment presents itself. So that when that moment comes up in [A New Hope], you understand.”

"He’s recognising he’s been on this journey already, and he’s waiting for this moment, and that’s how he’s able to make it so easily. To do this and die. So that to me was the second evolution, the second film, the second story. For me, if I have anything to do with the second season of Obi-Wan, that’s the character evolution that I would take him on. That, to me, is really interesting.”

"Ewan was on board, everyone. We were like: ‘Yeah, ready to go.’ And we were so excited about it, too… It’s a great story to tell, right? It’s such a fitting character and Ewan is just so fantastic at it. And he’s the perfect age, everything.”



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Kai Patterson's fan edit of Obi-Wan series into 2.5 hours movie. It has links to download the movie.  I can't on my work firewall.  




I am so excited to be able to share this fan edit with those who have a Disney Plus membership! I have done this re-edit out of the love I have for Star Wars and the excitement I have for the new content we’re getting from Lucasfilm.

The Obi-Wan show, in my opinion, suffered from things that were easily fixable in the script and in the edit. Awkward pacing, whole scenes that ultimately amounted to nothing, goofy dialogue and directing choices, so I decided to take matters into my own hands and change what I could. I want to be very clear, this is my own artistic interpretation of how these scenes could be strung together to make something that works better for me personally.

This is all done as a fan, for the fans, and I am not making any money from it. I really hope you enjoy this 2.5 hr movie interpretation of the Obi-Wan Kenobi Show.



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If I had to grade the live action Disney stuff, here's how I would do it:

-2: Steaming pile of dogshit

-1: Bad with some okay parts 

0: Meh.  Entertaining but forgettable 

+1: Decent, but minor flaws 

+2: Awesome


TFA: 0 (Basically only because of Han Solo) 

TLJ: - 2

ROS: - 2 

Rogue One: +2

Solo: 0 

The Mandalorian: +2

The Book of Boba Fett: 0

Obi Wan: +1 (Pretty much only because of Ewan McGregor) 


Overall score: +1

2 great shows/movies, 1 decent, 3 mehs, 2 piles of dogshit 

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Leaked Ahsoka trailer.... Sped up to avoid Disney takedowns. 

Slow the speed of the video to half speed to watch 



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Filoni wrote and directed the 1st episode, according to imdb.  Also has Hayden Christensen in the cast list.

And Mary Elizabeth Winstead from Scott Pilgrim vs the World, Ray Stevenson (Volstagg from Thor, also voiced Gar Saxon in The Clone Wars cartoon).


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18 hours ago, iladelphxx said:



I think I'm gonna go find a cave and Rip Van Winkle the next couple decades.

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44 minutes ago, NOTW said:

This trailer actually looks good.  


Rogue One should have been a series - would have been incredible

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18 minutes ago, iladelphxx said:

Rogue One should have been a series - would have been incredible

In retrospect, just doing a TV series that goes for multiple seasons and shows everything between episodes 3 and 4 would have been able to cover so much.  More from Order 66, Inquisitors hunting down Jedi, former Imperial officers and stormtroopers that defect realizing how bad things are, the remnants of the Republic, forming the rebellion, etc.

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We'll see new sets. Disney must be serious about this one, but I've learned not to get my hopes up based on a trailer.

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Nice background music while working.  There's a whole series of them.


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