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Star Wars ongoing thread: The Acolyte now airing


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9 hours ago, iladelphxx said:

MotherFer.....  It's a documentary/making of thing 

Thought the post and image made that clear. 😂 Usually they drop the week after, I thought. 

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14 hours ago, iladelphxx said:

Anyone watch Andor? 

I thought the first episode was "meh". It started out really good then was rather boring for the rest of the episode. Other than Cassian, there aren't any interesting characters so far. 

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Finished the first three. It’s so good. It’s a character driven story, so if you want laser swords and explosions every 20 minutes, don’t get your hopes up.

It is a bit more adult than most Star Wars fare. A couple cusses you wouldn’t expect, more gritty. Just a heads up to anyone who watches with kids. 

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I forgot when it was releasing, been too busy with things.  The trailers looked good and reading these reviews gives hope.  

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Just watched the first three.  I'm in.  The story is really good.  Very dark and gritty and Diego Luna is awesome as Cassian.  The production seems movie level.  There's a quality to this one that the other shows miss.

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Production values are high. The show has a great look and feel. I just felt very little happened in the second half of the first episode and the entire 2nd episode. The plot finally starts moving in the third episode and it has started getting good.

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If randos on the internet can do it, why can't the paid professionals make something that makes more sense?

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On 9/27/2022 at 1:11 PM, NOTW said:


If randos on the internet can do it, why can't the paid professionals make something that makes more sense?

They should have never met face to face.... 

It would have been so much better if it was just Vader chasing him and being one step behind. 

The Inquisitors should have been supporting characters.   It should have been Vader chasing Obi Wan. 

You could have had lightsaber duels between Obi Wan and the Inquisitors, but I feel like they should have kept Vader and Obi Wan apart. 

They should have had Obi Wan "beat" Vader by outsmarting him and escaping in the end. 

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I pretty much wrote off everything Star wars after that episode.  Like, I'm done.  I do want to check out Andor eventually some day, but I'm taking a big break from this IP.

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Finally watching Andor.

Will post thoughts later but I like it so far. And several GOT actors.

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6 minutes ago, NOTW said:

Finally watching Andor.

Will post thoughts later but I like it so far. And several GOT actors.

I was waiting for this weekend so I only have to pay for 1 month of Disney Plus 🤣

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2 hours ago, Arthur Jackson said:

wait... Andor isn't about the planet with the little teddy bears? 


You know Disney can't f'ing wait to make an ewok show.  They just need to get something, anything right with the fanbase before they go there.

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I caught up on the the show but didn't have a chance to post thoughts (if anyone cares :lol: ).  

  • I now see what everyone meant that it's not like other SW shows.  It's not trying to be a movie scale with a lot of pew-pew and action story wise, but the filmmaking is really well done.  Sets, cinematography, editing, writing, directing and acting is all really good and feels more "grounded" (not sure if that's the best word) than other SW shows.  It has the feel of a show that is taking its time on development for the long haul.  I think the Mandalorian is a lot of fun and I love it, but it could balance out with some of the style of this show a bit more.
  • Finally! A show that doesn't cram score behind every scene. There are a lot of scenes with no score, highlighting the acting and also not assaulting the viewer with a barrage of noise.  Let moments breathe, don't try to tell the dumb audience how to feel by swelling the score before something happens.
  • I like seeing more development of Mon Mothma and her role and how much she risked, and the spy aspect and the careful strategic planning among the large and powerful Empire that is everywhere, rather than something rushed.
  • I like that it's showing more of the "normal" every day life of people in this galaxy apart from the larger Skywalker story.  I've seen some people online say certain parts are boring, but that's what I like about it, the development of the every day things we haven't seen enough of before.  Workers going about their day, how the Empire utilizes a private corporation, the fringe players in the story who are taking action behind the scenes of the larger story.  The sets and acting make it feel like you're getting a good look at what daily life for people was like living under the Empire.
  • The opening scenes in the first episode reminded me of Bladerunner/Philip K Dick vibes in sci-fi that felt different than what we've seen in SW before and that was really cool.

As much as I like it so far, I don't think the rewatchability is as strong as the Mandalorian.  But a show like this could go for multiple seasons in a slow burn to lead up to Rogue One.  Lots of opportunity for small missions, new characters.

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