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GDT: New Orleans Saints @ Philadelphia Eagles, 1-1-23, 1PM EST


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As professional football players and coaches, this team needs to be embarrassed at this steaming pile of dung they are displaying today!!!

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Just now, Cochis_Calhoun said:

The defense has been on the field about 23 minutes out of 25 because Minshew cannot run the offense.

Playcalling has been trash today

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wtf is Minshew even doing?  He looks like he has no idea what’s going on. 

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Just now, Jeep_man said:

As hard as it is for me to admit, so far this game is not on Gannon, its on the offense.....

do me a favor and take a looks at Dalton's stats over the past few weeks...

he's already 11/11 for 132 yards 

I'm not giving the offense a pass because they've been straight up trash, but defense is SERIOUS concern 

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1 minute ago, nceagle20 said:


Easy to do when the CBs play off the LOS by 10 yards on 3rd and 3. Gannon is so dumb; I wish our defense would just start calling their own plays. 

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1 minute ago, rrfierce said:

How do the hurts haters feel now? Still not convinced he’s the reason we were 13-1 ?

He's the best QB this year and Lane is the best OL so its both but also yes.

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Jesus what was that? Sometimes I really wonder about the league. How did they play so well offensively last week and now nothing?

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This is as bad as I've seen us play in 2 years, everything is straight ass 

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1 more score against the defense - the game is likely out of reach.  The offense is horrible - the defense is horrible.  Good god.........Wow.

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Minshew looks like hot garbage. Can’t even complete a 2 yard pass. 

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Every week we don’t run the ball and every week Gannon sucks. 

Going to need to start running the ball to have any chance, specifically Miles Sanders. Why are we playing like Minshew isn’t a backup lmao. 

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What the hell is this game plan? This team has a 1000yd rusher on this team, do they just not think that they can run the ball without Lane Johnson?

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3rd and 3 and we go 5 wide lol. This team is a joke without Hurts. CLEARLY the MVP 

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